Uncle Pete’s Pizza Shop


Uncle Pete's Pizza is located in Taitung City. People can find the shop easily as it is near the Seashore park. It only takes a few minutes to walk from the park to the shop.

"Wow! This would probably be the best Margherita I have ever had!" said Angelina, an American who is visiting Taiwan for the first time.

The shop is usually full of customers, music and conversation.

“Sometimes Uncle Pete creates a relaxing atmosphere while customers are enjoying the pizzas,” said Mr. Hong, a regular customer who come to this shop every two weeks. “I think he is a talented guy. He can play many kinds of instruments such as banjo, guitar, piano, and violin. There are also some amazing paintings on the wall. ”
Pete, the owner of the pizza shop, is an American who has been living in Taiwan for almost 20 years.

"I love Taitung because of the waves, and the people are very kind," said Pete..

The menu at Uncle Pete's is unique. The pizzas have names such as Springfield, San Diego, Covington, and Mozambique, and all the names have meanings.

"Most of the pizzas were named to remember my friends from all over world" said Pete.
“My favorite pizza on the menu would probably be the Covington. It is named after one of my best friends in West Virginia,” said Pete. “We used to play around when we were young. It is topped with pepperoni and bacon. It tastes really good!”

The pizzas cost between $100-$300 TWD.

The address:No. 167, first section of Lin Hai Road, Taitung City, Taitung County
The phone number:0952 179 165

Contact Amazing Taitung Editors about this story at TheAmazingTaitung@gmail.com
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